Tuesday, October 1, 2013

VSP Vision Care Launches National "Clicks for Kids" Campaign to Provide Eyecare to Big Brothers, Big Sisters.

It is estimated this year that approximately 15 million children will go back to school with undiagnosed

vision issues. Not seeing properly impacts how a child performs both inside and outside the classroom,

as 80 percent of what children learn is through their eyes. In light of these statistics, VSP Vision Care,

the nation's leading not-for-profit vision care company, has created the "Clicks for Kids" campaign,

which will provide up to 25,000 gift certificates for comprehensive vision exams and new glasses to Big

Brothers Big Sisters programs nationwide – a total donation valued at close to $10 million.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is proven to improve children's self-esteem and odds for succeeding in school.

The mission of the VSP "Clicks for Kids" campaign is to help raise awareness about the role healthy vision

plays in a child's success. People nationwide are encouraged to participate by visiting the "Clicks for

Kids" page on SeeMuchMore.com and choosing to "click" to benefit either their local Big Brothers Big

Sisters program or one with the greatest need. For every click sent, a gift certificate – valid for a free

comprehensive eye exam and, if needed, a pair of glasses – will be donated by VSP to Big Brothers Big


To date, through VSP Eyes of Hope charity programs, including VSP Mobile Eyes and Sight for Students,

and with partners including the American Red Cross and Optometry Giving Sight, VSP has invested close

to $160 million in free eyecare and eyewear for close to 845,000 adults and children in need. These

services have resulted in the early detection of chronic health and eye diseases such as diabetes, high

blood pressure, glaucoma and cataracts in nearly 10,000 people across the country.

For more information about the VSP "Clicks for Kids" campaign and to participate, visit

SeeMuchMore.com. The site also includes helpful information about the benefits of healthy vision plus

eye health resources for parents and children. Also, you can watch a video on why the "Clicks for Kids"

campaign was developed by clicking here.

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